“From the initial site visit to commissioning the work was carried out by a firm that didn't pressure you into buying something you didn't need or want and explained in a language that was understandable to a lay person.”

Sheila, Hungerford.


Download your FREE Consumer Guide to Solar Panels below:  Everything you need to know in one place


How to get a great installation and avoid the pitfalls      http://solar.techforenergy.co.uk/consumer-guide/



Price Guide


"… Earn money without any effort and receive a much higher rate of return than alternative Investments ..."


The Sunday Times put solar PV panels as one of its top five investments for making 10% returns on your savings.


In the article it advised customers to consider PV following the introduction of the feed-in tariff in April 2010, offering them a tax-free, index linked income for the energy they produce. The new coalition Government has agreed to honour the feed-in tariff system for electricity.


"Given that the income is tax-free, the return on investment is equivalent to 12.9% for a 50% tax payer and 10.3% for a 40% tax-payer, with the investment recouped in as little as seven years. As the payments are linked to RPI, this equates to a real return of 18.2% and 15.6% respectively at today's RPI rate of 5.3%"

Extract from The Sunday Times 23rd May 2010


Systems start from as little as £ 3,400 Exc VAT @ 5%

Please call us on (0800) 888 6544 for your Survey and Quotation.





The table below shows some guideline benefits on various rated system sizes. These are based on a retrofit installation on a south facing, un-shaded, 35 degree angle roof using medium efficiency monocrystalline modules.


We offer many other types of solutions and sizes of systems but the below table gives an idea of generation for a standard domestic installation with a string inverter.

There are many solutions available and the guide below may not suit your particular situation or requirements. If you wish to receive a more tailored estimate without having a site survey please contact us with some details of your property and requirements.


If the guide below or your individual estimate is acceptable, we would be pleased to arrange a technical site survey which will result in a formal quotation to meet your budget and requirements.


Based on an optimal PV system in London - further south will generate more energy.


PV module specifications and performance Financial and Environmental Benefits

System Size

Surface Area (m2)

No of panels

Estimated annual energy output (kWh)

FIT Income & savings in year 1

Return on Investment

Payback Period (Years)

Tax free Profit  (remaining years)

after initial system cost

CO2 Saving (Kg) p.a.

1.25 kWp







£2,574  (12)


2.00 kWp







£5,280  (12)


3.00 kWp







£8,704  (13)


4.00 kWp







£11,622  (13)



Notes Inclusions and exclusions

  • System size = Maximum power rating, not energy production.
  • Figures do not take into account tax savings
  • Includes Scaffolding which may be required
  • FIT income includes electricity savings
  • Electricity cost from supplier assumed to be 12p per kWh for 25 years
  • Future electricity price rises not included at 7.3% p.a. (figure from DECC & ONS)

  • RPI Inflation Index taken as an average over the last 25 years at 3.77% p.a. (figure from DECC & ONS)
  • Exported energy assumed to be 25%
  • Type of installation other than a string inverter and installation on one roof will affect price


Solar panels are a great way to reduce your bills and consumption from the grid and can reduce your energy bill by 50% or more depending on your circumstances and the equipment designed for you.


We always offer a detailed financial breakdown of costs, payback time and earnings with every quote we prepare, but these are based on individually designed systems which are specific to your site, your requirements and the specific calculated output of your system, given your site specific considerations.

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