“Techfor did not pressurise me in any way and patiently took their time in answering my many queries. I was very pleased I chose them as they proved to be very professional and efficient in everything they did whether this was in their technical knowledge, administration or installation. Overall a very good experience.” Tim, Guildford.


The Feed In Tariff and the Smart Export Guarantee

pvmodule_img1The Feed in Tariff is no longer available and has been replaced by the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG). The SEG requires the large licensed energy suppliers to provide at least one export tariff to Solar PV generators generating a maximum of 5MW. Smaller energy suppliers can take part on a voluntary basis.



Battery Storage and the SEG


During the event of a powercut some battery storage systems, such as the Tesla Powerwall back-up v2.0 system, will allow you to use your solar panels and stored electricity when the grid is down. The Tesla Powerwall back-up v2.0 system will also allow you to import electricity during the off-peak electricity tariff period thus allowing you to use the imported off-peak electricity during the peak period. 


To benefit from the SEG you will need to satisfy the following criteria:


1. Your system is not receiving the FIT

2. Your renewable generation should not be generating more than 5MW of electricity

3. Have a half-hourly export reading grid meter

4. Your installation must be MCS certified


If you need further information on the SEG process and tariff comparisons please visit the Solar Trade Organisation




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The table below outlines the historic Solar PV FIT payments from 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019


Band (kW)
PV Tariff Level*  


1 Apr to

30 Jun 2018


1 Jul to

30 Sep 2018

1 Oct to

31 Dec 2018




1 Oct to

31 Dec 2018


(not standalone)

Higher   4.01  3.93  3.86 3.79
Middle   3.61  3.54 3.47 3.41
Lower   0.31  0.25 0.20 0.15

> 10kW-50kW

(not standalone)


  4.25  4.17  4.11 4.03


  3.83  3.75 3.70  3.63
Lower   0.31  0.25 0.20 0.15


(not standalone)

Higher   1.85  1.79  1.75 1.69
Middle   1.67  1.61 1.58 1.52
Lower   0.31  0.25 0.20 0.15


(not standalone)

    1.50  1.43
  1.38 1.33
>1000kW     0.31  0.25   0.20 0.15
Stand-alone     0.15  0.13   0.10 0.07



* PV Tariff level as detailed below:

Higher tariff rate will be applied if an EPC of level D or above is achieved before commissioning

Middle tariff rate will be applied if an EPC of level D or above is achieved before commissioning but the generator owns 25 or more installations

Lower tariff rate will be applied if an EPC of level D or above is achieved after the commissioning

All tariff rates are in pence per kilowatt hour at 2018/19 values



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