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Welcome to Techfor Energy 


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News: A Techfor Energy installation is on BBC news as Roger Harrabin interviews Solar Trade Association's Leonie Green. Click here to see the interview.


A 10 kWp Techfor Energy solar PV installation is helping power the new Guildford Fire Station.


Techfor Energy design and install all types of Solar PV (electricity) and solar thermal systems for both residential or commercial customers. These systems save money on energy bills and give customers access to the financial incentives offered by the Renewable Heat Incentive and the Smart Export Guarantee.Please note: Battery storage products are not MCS certified.


Techfor also install loft insulation and warm roof insulation. Please contact us for details.


Our customers can generate their own clean electricity or heat with no dependence on oil or consequence of future energy price rises and enjoy this in the knowledge of making a positive impact on their environment. Customers tell us that it feels fantastic to know that their property is powered by the sun and they are being kind to the environment whilst earning money at the same time.


We have several innovative ways to maximise the benefit of renewable energy so please contact us for futher details.


"Providing Green Technology for the Future"


We want to do our part to contribute to green energy production in the UK and help you to do yours.


“The quality of the Techfor survey was streets ahead of the other companies I invited to quote and gave a feeling of reassurance that these guys cared about the quality of their work. I thought they were going to quote much more due to this factor but their quote was competitive with others ... Overall, a first class job.” Peter, Camberley.



Some of the benefits of installing solar PV panels on your home or business
Environmentally friendly

Solar energy is clean and pollution free, which reduces your carbon footprint

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The Smart Export Guarantee Export Tariff

The FIT tarrif is no longer available, however Solar electricity generators can still be paid an export tariff

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Reduce your electricity bill

Up to all of your household's electricity demand will be provided by the solar panels and you will save even more when electricity prices rise in the future

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Increase House Prices

The price of the system and its income will increase the value of your property

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Next Steps

To find out how Techfor Energy can help reduce your carbon footprint & electricity bill please contact us via phone or e-mail to speak with one of our staff.


We promise to be open, clear, forthcoming and impartial and we will not put you under any pressure. Please feel free to use us as a source of information.



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